3 New Dental Technology That Has Aided With Oral Sleep Health

3 New Dental Technology That Has Aided With Oral Sleep Health

Dental technology has come a long way, with different pieces of tech that can help you with dental health. When you search for a South Tampa dentist that can care for your teeth, you may want to see what dental technology you could use. With this in mind, let’s look at three new dental technologies designed to help people with their oral sleep health.

As we look into these pieces of technology, you should consider how they could help you with your dental health needs.

Mandibular Adjustment Appliance

The mandibular adjustment appliance is a device designed to help people with sleep apnea. In essence, this device keeps the lower jaw forward to help the airway remain opened during sleep. This way, you won’t block your airway as you sleep, which can prevent snoring and other sleep-related problems.

The device is straightforward since you just put it in-between your teeth and use it throughout the night. This way, you can keep your airway open as you sleep since you may move your jaw during the evening. If you find yourself snoring or showing signs of sleep apnea, this piece of technology could help you out.

However, if you think the device will keep you awake during the evening, you may want to choose a different option.

Tongue Retaining Devices

If you don’t want to use a device that holds your jaw in place, you could look into a tongue retaining device instead. Sometimes, your tongue can fall back into your mouth, covering the airway and waking you up. This can cause you to stop breathing or partially block your airway, making you snore.

The device keeps your tongue stuck in it while your mouth closes, preventing your tongue from slipping out. Otherwise, it would fall to the back of your throat, especially if you sleep on your back. This one stands out as a simple and effective piece of technology to help you when it comes to sleep apnea.

If you don’t mind the idea of your tongue being stuck in the device, this could be a good choice for your situation.


The continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)device stands out as a great way to help you out with oral sleep health. These are large devices that consist of three main parts, as explained in the link. The main machine that pumps air, the tube that sends it to you and the mask you wear while you sleep as work together to help you.

This device sends air directly into your mouth as you wear the mask, helping your airway remain opened as you use it. However, the machine will make plenty of noise as you use it, which could wake some people up. If the noise and mask don’t bother you, then the CPAP could improve your overall sleep and oral health.

In short, CPAPs stand out as both common and effective treatment options if you suffer from sleep apnea.

Since sleep apnea can affect various people, you need to care for your oral sleep health as much as possible. As you look for a South Tampa dentist to care for your teeth, you should see if you can find one with one of these pieces of technology. That way, you can properly care for your teeth and address any oral health issues you may face.